Gallery 2

There's no place like...

We need more clips

Right Now?

Just call me Hannibal      10*

I don't trust Toto

But he's quite attractive

Jules, you must come back from Clipland

Is it a clip or is it

Mr. Spock?

Phileas hug      11*

Sliding Dumas      12*

Skeptical Friends      13*

Phileas joins Jules in Clipland Bar

I like the colors here

Yes, but you don't have to be green

Frozen in anticipation of more clips

Lamppost Lorrelai      14*

Margaretta Michelova      15*

Helene of the League      16*

Teacher's Pet      17*

Rebecca in Clipland

Nice View     18*

Better View     19*

Best View      20*

Of course, I'll be yours, Jules

Wait - she only suppose to say that in Clipland

Nearing their destination

You have no power here

Biding his time

Soon, Jules, we will be in Clipland once more

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Guess that Clip:

10..  Eyes of Lazarus   back
11.  Queen Victoria and the Giant Mole   back
12.  Cardinal's Design   back
13.  The Golem   back
14.  Cardinal's Design   back
15.  Rocket to the Moon   back
16.  Lord of Air and Darkness   back
17.  In the Beginning   back
18.  The Golem   back
19.  Southern Comfort   back
20.  Cardinal's Revenge   back