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Back in LA

Will gives co-worker a package

This is my secret story and you need to publish this is I disappear

Hmm ... pondering Will's disappearance

Brave Will follows Jack

Someone told me that you beat me up

The most closed-mouth man on the planet

Jack goes to Devlin's house to say they have a leak, namely Will's informant.
and that he thinks the leak is Haladki

Haladki thinks you're the leak, Jack, and he told me you didn't play
nicely with him in the parking lot in the clips episode when you wanted
to know where the FBI was holding Sydney

A CFM at Sydney's house

I slept with Noah

Hmm ... doesn't think much of Noah

Back at SD-6, we learn that Marshall is a designer of pop-up books

Marshall is also a good Sloane worker, who looks for suff for boss.

Boss looks at unwelcome visitor who just entered SD-6

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